Tables: Members
Tables are the basic unit of any database system. These look very similar to the tables you build in your favorite spread sheet. With Access and other dedicated database managers great capabilities are built in to manipulate the data in ways that are difficult if not impossible with a spreadsheet.Below are screen shots of part of the design windows of the Members (tbl-Members) and Mem-Positions (tbl-Mem-Positions) tables. Members is the main table of the application. These and other images will illustrate the kinds of data stored by the application. Data is entered into both tables through the Members Entry Form (frm-Members Entry). See Help: Members Entry Form for more information.
Members Table

This is tbl-Members which stores the basic information about people who are associated with Mission Granbury. The first column holds field names, the second the data type, the the third a description of the data in each field.
Members Positions Table

This is tbl-Mem-Positions which stores information about the things people who are associated with Mission Granbury do. The Yes/No fields only require a check in the box to indicate the person participates in a particular category.
Member Acts of Assistance Table

This is tbl-Mem Acts of Assistance which stores information about the extra-ordinary things people who are associated with Mission Granbury do. This is to aid in bestowing recognition for these helpful acts.