Help: Members Interests Entry Form
This form is used to record the interests of any individual who has a record in the Members table. (The Members table always comes first.) A matching form should be a part of the application package filled in by prospective volunteers or employees. This form should be available to current members. These interests can be the key to ways in which the member may be of assistance to Mission Granbury. The interests do not necessarily relate to current jobs that are being done—current jobs are recorded in the Positions table.ID The first field is [int-ID]. That ties directly to the Members ID [Mem-ID] field in the Members table. So the way to get that is to open the Members Entry form and Copy the Member ID field and Paste it into the first field where it calls for Member ID. Be sure to replace the default text that is in the space. If you did it right, the members name will appear in the space below the ID field when you leave that field for the next.
Foreign Language: List the skills of the member, first the language name, then whether or not they are literare (reading and/or writing) and conversational skills (understanding and/or speaking).
There is a lot of space to describe relevant Experience.
Tasks are listed in a drop-down list box. You need only to check the box next to items that are of interest. Check all that apply.
Most of the form is self-explanatory. But, perhaps the Hours field under Availability might need a word or two. This is the number of hours the member or applicant estimates they can donate to Mission Granbury in a given time frame (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly).
Strengths Offered may come from the applicant or from Mission Granbury's knowledge of that person. This is a large field, so there's room for a lot of description.
Comment: could be labeled "for office use only." This is where Mission Granbury associates could not ideas of how this person could help the organization.
Update: When was this form last updated. Today's date is entered automatically. When editing an existing record, do take the time to update this. You can use the miniature calendar that pops up when you enter the field. These dates can be important in decision making.
Select Code: This is the user created selection code to be used as a criterion. Usually this is done when preparing a query at the time the data are needed.