Book of Deacon cover
The Book of Deacon
Book 1

by Joseph Lallo
Kindle eBook

This is a simple tale that relies upon the tried and true fantasy formula of a "nobody" coming into their own as a previously undiscovered prodigy has been used by many fantasy authors. This formula therefore requires either significant character development or a type of twist to the story to rise to the five star rating. While this first book utilizes this formula, the character development is still somewhat lacking and even the "education" process wherein the heroine in this book learns to control her power is simplistic and repetitive. If the author was attempting to write

fantasy targeted at a child or young teenager, this might be appropriate, but I did not get that impression. I believe this was fantasy that was to be consumed by an adult audience.
315 pages 1-didn't like, 2-OK, 3-I liked it, 4-really liked it, 5-amazing $0.00