William (Bill) H. Gates

is chairman of Microsoft Corporation, the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. Microsoft had revenues of US$51.12 billion for the fiscal year ending June 2007, and employs more than 78,000 people in 105 countries and regions.
On June 15, 2006, Microsoft announced that effective July 2008 Gates will transition out of a day-to-day role in the company to spend more time on his global health and education work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. After July 2008 Gates will continue to serve as Microsoft’s chairman and an advisor on key development projects. The two-year transition process is to ensure that there is a smooth and orderly transfer of Gates’ daily responsibilities. Effective June 2006, Ray Ozzie has assumed Gates’ previous title as chief software architect and is working side by side with Gates on all technical architecture and product oversight responsibilities at Microsoft. Craig Mundie has assumed the new title of chief research and strategy officer at Microsoft and is working closely with Gates to assume his responsibility for the company’s research and incubation efforts.
Born on Oct. 28, 1955, Gates grew up in Seattle with his two sisters. Their father, William H. Gates II, is a Seattle attorney. Their late mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, University of Washington regent, and chairwoman of United Way International.
Gates attended public elementary school and the private Lakeside School. There, he discovered his interest in software and began programming computers at age 13.
Link to his Web site.
Books by Bill Gates:
Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear 
Kathleen O'Neal Gear is the former State Historian and Tri-state Archaeologist for the United States Department of the Interior. She has a Bachelor's degree, a Master's degree (Summa Cum Laude), and has conducted Ph.D. studies in history at the University of California in Los Angeles. She also attended the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1976, specializing in Biblical archaeology. She worked on her first archaeological excavation at the age of ten, and at various times in her life has been employed as a museum technician, university instructor, city historian in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and has worked as a crew member on archaeological excavations near the Sea of Galilee in Israel. She has written over one hundred publications about history, archaeology, and cultural resources management, and has authored, or co-authored with her husband, W. Michael Gear, twenty-one novels. Kathy and Michael Gear live on a buffalo ranch in northwestern Wyoming, in the Owl Creek Mountains at the edge of the Wind River Indian Reservation, with their two Shetland sheep dogs.
W. Michael Gear was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on the twentieth of May, 1955. A fourth generation Colorado native, his family had been involved in hard-rock mining, cattle ranching, and journalism. They later moved to Fort Collins so that his father could pursue his Ph.D.. During those years the family lived in the foothills above Horsetooth Reservoir. It was there that Mike developed a love of history, anthropology, and motorcycles. They would color his future and fill his imagination for the rest of his life. Michael graduated from Fort Collins High School in 1972 and pursued both his Bachelor's (1976) and Master's (1979) degrees at Colorado State University. Upon completion of his Master's - his specialty was in physical anthropology - he went to work for Western Wyoming College in Rock Springs as a field archaeologist.
All through 1985 Mike wrote full time while Kathy worked for another year. Then in 1986, Kathy left the Bureau of Land Management and the two of them moved to the Colorado cabin at Empire. For the next three years, with no running water and only two wood stoves for heat, they pounded out novel after novel. Mike wrote eight before he finally sold one. Kathy wrote five non fiction books, and sold the first novel she ever pitched. He and Kathy are raising some of the most glorious bison in North America, and a bug-spattered BMW 1100RT motorcycle waits to take them cross country for summer events. His office window looks out over the Wind River Indian Reservation and the nearest neighbor is an Arapaho Ranch line camp six and half miles to the southeast. Michael and Kathleen are currently at work drafting out the story for their next prehistory book, PEOPLE OF THE WEEPING EYE, a novel set at Moundville, Alabama in the 1300s.
Books by the Gears:
- People of the Raven - Pac NW (7300 BC)
- People of the Nightland - NY (13,000 BC)
- ® People of the Weeping Eye (1200 AD)
- People of the Thunder Ala & Miss (1000 AD)
- People of the Moon - NM Colo (1000 AD)
Kathleen's Books
- Thin Moon and Cold Mist
- Sand in the Wind
- This Widowed Land
- It Sleeps In Me
- It Wates in Me
- It Dreams in Me
Michael's Books
- Long Ride Home
- Big Horn Legacy
- The Morning River
- Coyote Summer
- The Athena Factor
Anasazi Mysteries
- The Visitant -1-
- The Summoning God
- Bone Walker
Noel Bertram Gerson
(1914-1988) was a very prolific writer of fiction in several genera. He wrote under several pseudonyms including the following: Dana Fuller Ross, Diana Fuller Ross, Donald Clayton Porter, Sammuel Edwards, Samuel Edwards, N.B. Gerson, Noel Gerson, Noel B. Gerson, Noel Bertram Gerson, Donald C. Porter, Donald Clayton Porter, Dana Ross, Dana Fuller Roth, Philip Vail, and Carter A.Vaughan.
A search of the web produced no information about the man, except the pseudonyms listed above, and in some cases, with lists of titles by the different names. He seems to have specialized in historical fiction. He wrote 147 historical fiction books under the name Dana Fuller Ross. See
http://www.librarything.com/author/rossdanafuller for a full list of titles.
Books by Noel Bertram Gerson:
Arthur Golden

was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and was educated at Harvard College, where he received a degree in art history, specializing in Japanese art. In 1980 he earned an M.A. in Japanese history from Columbia University, where he also learned Mandarin Chinese. Following a summer at Beijing University, he worked in Tokyo, and, after returning to the United States, earned an M.A. in English from Boston University. He resides in Brookline, Massachusetts, with his wife and two children.
Books by Arthur Golden:
Tracey Gravis-Graves

lives in a suburb of Des Moines, Iowa with her husband, two children, and hyper dog Chloe. This is her first novel. She blogs at www.traceygarvisgraves.com using colorful language and a snarky sense of humor to write about pop culture, silly television shows, and her suburban neighborhood. She is hard at work on her next book. You can e-mail her at traceygarvisgraves@yahoo.com. She'd love to hear from you.
Web site: www.traceygarvisgraves.com/, Email:
Books by Tracey Gravis-Graves:
Philippa Gregory

was born in Kenya in 1954, moved to England with her family and was educated in Bristol and at the National Council for the Training of Journalists course in Cardiff. She worked as a senior reporter on the Portsmouth News, and as a journalist and producer for BBC radio.
Philippa obtained a BA degree in history at the University of Sussex in Brighton and a PhD at Edinburgh University in 18th-century literature. Her first novel, Wideacre, was written as she completed her PhD and became an instant world wide bestseller. On its publication, she became a full-time writer, and now lives with her family on a small farm in the North of England.
Her knowledge of gothic 18th century novels led to Philippa writing Wideacre, which was followed by a haunting sequel, The Favoured Child, and the delightful happy ending of the trilogy: Meridon. This novel was listed in Feminist Book Fortnight and for the Romantic Novel of the Year at the same time - one of the many instances of Philippa's work appealing to very different readers.
Link to her Web site.
Books by Philippa Gregory:
- The Boleyn Inheritance
- The Constant Princess
- The Virgin's Lover
- The Queen's Fool
- The Other Boleyn Girl
- A Respectable Trade
- Virgin Earth
John Grisham

Long before his name became synonymous with the modern legal thriller, he was working 60-70 hours a week at a small Southaven, Mississippi law practice, squeezing in time before going to the office and during courtroom recesses to work on his hobby–writing his first novel.
Born on February 8, 1955 in Jonesboro, Arkansas, to a construction worker and a homemaker, John Grisham as a child dreamed of being a professional baseball player. Realizing he didn't have the right stuff for a pro career, he shifted gears and majored in accounting at Mississippi State University. After graduating from law school at Ole Miss in 1981, he went on to practice law for nearly a decade in Southaven, specializing in criminal defense and personal injury litigation. In 1983, he was elected to the state House of Representatives and served until 1990.
One day at the DeSoto County courthouse, Grisham overheard the harrowing testimony of a twelve-year-old rape victim and was inspired to start a novel exploring what would have happened if the girl's father had murdered her assailants. Getting up at 5 a.m. every day to get in several hours of writing time before heading off to work, Grisham spent three years on A Time to Kill and finished it in 1987. Initially rejected by many publishers, it was eventually bought by Wynwood Press, who gave it a modest 5,000 copy printing and published it in June 1988.
That might have put an end to Grisham's hobby. However, he had already begun his next book, and it would quickly turn that hobby into a new full-time career—and spark one of publishing's greatest success stories.
Grisham lives with his wife Renee and their two children Ty and Shea. The family splits their time between their Victorian home on a farm in Mississippi and a plantation near Charlottesville, VA.
Grisham took time off from writing for several months in 1996 to return, after a five-year hiatus, to the courtroom. He was honoring a commitment made before he had retired from the law to become a full-time writer: representing the family of a railroad brakeman killed when he was pinned between two cars. Preparing his case with the same passion and dedication as his books' protagonists, Grisham successfully argued his clients’ case, earning them a jury award of $683,500—the biggest verdict of his career. $
When he's not writing, Grisham devotes time to charitable causes, including most recently his Rebuild The Coast Fund, which raised 8.8 million dollars for Gulf Coast relief in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. He also keeps up with his greatest passion: baseball. The man who dreamed of being a professional baseball player now serves as the local Little League commissioner. The six ballfields he built on his property have played host to over 350 kids on 26 Little League teams. Web site:
Books by John Grisham:
John Grogan

(born March 20, 1957) is an American journalist and non-fiction writer. His memoir Marley & Me (2005) was a best-selling book about his family's dog Marley. He had been a reporter, bureau chief, and columnist for newspapers in Michigan and Florida before becoming the editor in chief of Rodale's Organic Gardening magazine. He was a columnist for The Philadelphia Inquirer. His next memoir, The Longest Trip Home, is scheduled for release on October 21, 2008.
He lives with his wife Jenny and their three children in rural eastern Pennsylvania. Grogan's dog Marley appeared in the movie The Last Home Run when he was on film for less than 2 minutes when a van pulls up to a curb and a girl steps out and a boy steps out with Marley.
Marley & Me has been adapted into a film that was released December 25, 2008 starring Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston.
Grogan is a graduate of Central Michigan University's Department of Journalism and wrote the school newspaper, CM-Life.[1]
Link to her Web site.
Books by John Grogan:
Mireille Guiliano,

A native of France, she grew up amidst cooks, chefs and restaurateurs in provincial France and was educated in Paris, where she studied French and English literature at the Sorbonne and languages at the Institut Supérieur déInterprétariat et de Traduction. Mireille holds the French equivalent of a master's degree in English and German and a certification as a translator/interpreter. She also has a command of Italian and several other languages. She first arrived in America as an exchange student in Boston and came back for good early in her professional career. She currently resides in Manhattan with her husband, Edward, president and CEO of New York Institute of Technology, and makes frequent trips to their homes in Paris and Provence for business and pleasure . . . always pleasure.
Mireille is passionate about food and wine and cites breakfast, lunch and dinner as her favorite pastimes. The sound of corks popping truly is music to her ears. Link to her Web site: http://www.mireilleguiliano.com/.
Books by Mireille Guiliano:
- French Women for All Seasons