Amanda Cabot
aspired to be a newspaper reporter, but that was soon eclipsed by my determination to be a novelist. All the while, though, I knew that writing was not the easiest way to earn a living, and so it was always going to be a second career. That's why I went to college and majored in French, fully intending to teach at the university level. When I graduated, I married my high school sweetheart and took a "temporary" job as a computer programmer. Although it hadn't been part of my plan, that turned into a permanent career in Information Technology.
Along the way, I've had a chance to do a lot of writing, including four technical books and what I describe as "enough technical articles to cure insomnia in a medium-sized city." (My budgets were also considered to be works of fiction.) Now, though, I'm able to write full time, and for the first time, all I'm writing is fiction.
No doubt about it, I've been blessed. I had parents who nurtured my love of reading and have a husband who's not just my best friend but who's driven tens of thousands of miles to help me research books and who, after all these years, still hasn't lost his sense of humor, even when dinner is late because I have "just one more scene" to write.
Books By Amanda Cabot:
D. L. Carter
D.L. Carter was decanted from her incubation pod in the outback of Australia many decades ago.
This terrifying event was closely followed by shrieks of "there, there it goes. Hit it with a brick!"
These valiant attempts to correct the existence of D.L. were,
unfortunately, unsuccessful and she now resides in New Jersey, US., in a box with her toys, two human beings and three cats.
Books By D. L. Carter:
- First Destroy All Giant Monsters ©2012
Richard "Rick" Edgar Castle
is a fictional character portrayed by Nathan Fillion in the ABC crime series Castle.
As a promotion for the show, "Richard Castle's" (ghost-written) book Heat Wave was released in hardcover by Hyperion on 29 September 2009 and debuted at #26 on the New York Times bestseller list. In its 4th week on the list, Heat Wave broke into the top 10 as #6. Heat Wave was released in paperback on 27 July 2010 and debuted at #34 on the New York Times bestseller Paperback Mass-Market list. The novel also features a fictionalized version of the already fictional Richard Castle, aptly named "Jameson Rook," (the first name derived from the Irish whiskey, while the last name comes from the chess piece Rook which is also known as the Castle) who enters into a partnership with Heat that mirrors Castle's working relationship with Beckett.
In the TV series, "Castle" is an author of mystery fiction, with 26 bestsellers under his belt. His most popular works comprise a series starring "Derrick Storm," including the novels In a Hail of Bullets (winner of the Nom DePlume Society's Tom Straw Award for Mystery Literature), Gathering Storm, Unholy Storm, Storm's Last Stand, Storm Season, Storm Rising, Storm Warning, and Storm's Break; in the pilot episode, Castle attends a party for the release of the final book in the Storm series, Storm Fall, in which he kills off his protagonist after becoming bored with the character. He later reads from the novel before a book-signing. Patterson and Cannell both disagree with the decision, with Cannell claiming that he could have crippled Storm instead. Castle's other fictional books include Death of a Prom Queen, Flowers For Your Grave, Hell Hath No Fury, A Skull at Springtime, At Dusk We Die, When It Comes to Slaughter, and A Rose for Everafter.
After using his friendship with the Mayor to get partnered with NYPD detective Kate Beckett (under the pretense of conducting research for a new character), Castle plans a new series of novels starring a new detective based on Beckett. Toward the end of the second episode, the name of Beckett's literary alter-ego is revealed to be "Nikki Heat"; in the fourth episode, Beckett takes umbrage at the name- regarding it as a 'stripper name'- and insists that Castle change it, despite his proposing the book titles Summer Heat, Heat Wave, and In Heat.
Castle also plays regular poker games with fellow authors James Patterson, Stephen J. Cannell and Michael Connelly.
Website: http://www.richardcastle.net/
Books by Richard Castle:
Mary Higgins Clark & Carol Higgins Clark
Born and raised in New York, Mary Higgins Clark is of Irish descent. "The Irish are, by nature, storytellers," says Clark, who considers her Irish heritage an important influence on her writing.
Mary's father died when she was ten. Her mother struggled to bring up Mary and her two brothers. After graduating from high school, Mary went to secretarial school, so she could get a job and help her mother with the family finances. After working for three years in an advertising agency, travel fever seized her. For the year 1949, she was a stewardess on Pan American Airlines' international flights, to see the world.
Mary was left a young widow with five children by the death of her husband, Warren Clark, from a heart attack in 1964. She went to work writing radio scripts and, in addition, decided to write books.
Mary Higgins Clark's Website: http://www.maryhigginsclark.com/
Books by the Clarks:
George Howe Colt
is an American journalist and author.[1] He is the author of November of the Soul: The Enigma of Suicide (1991) and The Big House (2003). He is married to author Anne Fadiman.
George Howe Colt was a staff writer for Life (magazine). His 2003 book about his last summer with his family at their summer house on Cape Cod, The Big House, was a finalist for the National Book Award.[2]
Books By George Howe Colt:
Susan Conant
is a three-time recipient
of the Maxwell Award for Fiction Writing given by the Dog Writers Association of America. She lives in Newton Massachusetts, with her husband, two cats, and two Alaskan malamutes. Susan Conant graduated from Radcliffe College and holds a doctorate in human development from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The author of the Cat Lover's Mysteries and the Dog Lover's Mysteries, she is a six-time winner of the Dog Writer's Association of America's Maxwell Award.
Dog Lovers Mysteries, read & recycled:
- A New Leash on Death
- Dead and Doggone
- A Bite of Death
- Paws Before Dying
- Gone to the Dogs
- Bloodlines
- Ruffly Speaking
- Black Ribbon
- Stud Rites
- Animal Appetite
- The Barker Street Regulars
- Evil Breeding
Michael Connelly
A native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Connelly attended the University of Florida; there he discovered the works of Raymond Chandler — author of many classic Los Angeles-based noir dramas such as The Big Sleep, The Long Goodbye, and Farewell, My Lovely. The cases of Philip Marlowe inspired Connelly to be a crime novelist — and by studying journalism, he put himself in the perfect position. "I went into journalism to learn the craft of writing and to get close to the world I wanted to write about — police and criminals, the criminal justice system," he told MagnaCumMurder.com.
After graduation, Connelly worked the crime beat for two Florida newspapers. When a story he and a colleague wrote about the disastrous 1985 crash of Delta Flight 191 was short-listed for the Pulitzer, Connelly landed a gig in Marlowe's backyard, covering crime for one of the nation's largest newspapers -- The Los Angeles Times. Three years later, Harry Bosch was introduced in The Black Echo, which earned Connelly the Edgar Award for Best First Novel. Connelly has since won every major mystery honor, including the Anthony (The Poet, Blood Work) and the Macavity Award (Blood Work).
Books By Michael Connelly:
Victoria Connelly
Victoria Connelly was brought up in Norfolk and studied English literature at Worcester University before becoming a teacher in North Yorkshire. After getting married in a medieval castle in the Yorkshire Dales, she moved to London, where she lives with her artist husband and a mad springer spaniel. She has three novels published in Germany and the first, Flights of Angels, was made into a film. Victoria and her husband flew out to Berlin to see it being filmed and got to be extras in it. Her first novel in the UK, Molly’s Millions, is a romantic comedy about a lottery winner who gives it all away. She’s now writing a trilogy about Jane Austen addicts which is a wonderful excuse to read all the books and watch all the gorgeous film and TV adaptations again. www.victoriaconnelly.com
Connelly, Victoria (2011-07-01). Weekend with Mr. Darcy . Sourcebooks, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
Books By Victoria Connelly:
Pat Conroy
was born on October 26, 1945, in Atlanta, Georgia, to a young career military officer from Chicago and a Southern beauty from Alabama, whom Pat often credits for his love of language. He was the first of seven children.
His novels are populated with domineering fathers, Southern belles of steel, and inexorable tragedy; all are elements the author is familiar with from his own life, and he has drawn on them to create unforgettable books. He is sometimes accused of florid prose, but he never fails to draw attention — and readers — with his passionate stories.
Books By Pat Conroy:
Robin Cook,
a medical doctor, is a
founding father of the "medical thriller" genre of popular fiction. He is a graduate of Wesleyan University and Columbia University School of Medicine. He finished his postgraduate medical training at Harvard. He divides his time between homes in Boston and Florida where he lives with his wife Barbara. Dr. Cook's profession as a doctor has provided him with ideas for many of his novels. In each of his novels, he strives to write about the issues at the forefront of current medical practice. Cook says he chose to write thrillers because the form gives him "an opportunity to get the public interested in things about medicine they didn't seem to know about. I believe my books are actually teaching people."
Books by Robin Cook
- Abduction (2000)
- Acceptable Risk (1996)
- Blindsight (1992)
- Brain (1981)
- Chromosome 6 (1997)
- Coma (1977)
- Contagion (1995)
- Crisis (2006)
- Critical (2007)
- Fatal Cure (1993)
- Fever (1982)
- Godplayer (1983)
- Harmful Intent (1990)
- Invasion (1997)
- Marker (2005)
- Mindbend (1985)
- Mortal Fear (1988)
- Mutation (1989)
- Outbreak (1987)
- Siezure (2003)
- Shock (2001)
- Sphinx(1979)
- Terminal (1993)
- Toxin (1998)
- Vector (1999)
- Vital Signs (1991)
- The Year of the Intern—1972
Catherine Coulter,
is the author
of dozens of bestsellers, Catherine Coulter made her Romance debut with 1978's The Autumn Countess, a fast-moving story she describes as a Gothic masquerading as a Regency. Six more Regency romances followed in quick succession; then, in 1982, she penned her first full-length historical novel, Devil's Embrace. She counts several trilogies among her most popular historicals, notably the Bride Trilogy — which, in turn, spawned an ongoing story sequence featuring the beloved Sherbrooke family of Regency-era England.
In 1988, Coulter tried her hand at contemporary romance with a twisty little page-turner called False Pretenses. Her fans ate it up and begged for more. Since then, she has interspersed historicals with contemporary romantic thrillers (like the novels in her bestselling FBI series) in one of the most successful change-ups in the history of romance publishing.
Books by Catherine Coulter:
- The Aristocrat
- The Cove—1996
- Devil's Embrace
- Double Take
- The Edge
- False Pretenses
- Hemlock Bay
- The Maze
- Night Fire
- Night Shadow
- Night Storm
- Point Blank
- Riptide
- Tail Spin
- The Target
- Tuesdays With Morrie
- Wizard's Daughter—2008
- ... and Many More ...
Elizabeth Spann Craig
writes the Memphis Barbeque series for Penguin/Berkley (as Riley Adams), the Southern Quilting mysteries (2012) for Penguin/NAL, and the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink. She blogs daily at Mystery Writing is Murder, which was named by Writer's Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers for 2010.
As the mother of two, Elizabeth writes on the run as she juggles duties as Girl Scout leader, referees play dates, drives carpools, and is dragged along as a hostage/chaperone on field trips.
Find Elizabeth on Twitter (@elizabethscraig), her blog, mysterywritingismurder.blogspot.com, Facebook (Elizabeth Spann Craig Author), and Google Plus (Elizabeth S. Craig).
Elizabeth Spann Craig (Riley Adams)
Twitter: @elizabethscraig
Books By Elizabeth Spann Craig:
Edward Crichton
Edward Crichton, a native Clevelander, lives in Chicago, Illinois with his wife, where he spends his time coming to grips with his new found sports allegiances. A long time enthusiast of Science Fiction, Fantasy, History and everything in between, he spends his time reading, writing, and overusing his Xbox. Until recently, Crichton had often hoped for a cat, but his wife decided to let him have a baby boy instead. Due in November of 2013, he and his wife could not be more excited. His Sci-Fi epic Starfarer: Rendezvous with Destiny, was released in April of 2013, and the latest book in his Praetorian Series: A Hunter and His Legion, was released in September of 2013. Crichton hopes to spend a few months bonding with his wife and newborn child before getting back into writing, but he still hopes to release the next book in the Praetorian Series book in the spring of 2014.
Books By Edward Crichton:
Michael Crichton
was born in
Chicago in 1942. Educated at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, A.B. (summa cum laude) 1964 (Phi Beta Kappa). Henry Russell Shaw Travelling Fellow, 1964-65. Visiting Lecturer in Anthropology at Cambridge University, England, 1965. Graduated Harvard Medical School, M.D. 1969; post-doctoral fellow at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences, La Jolla, California 1969-1970. Visiting Writer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988.
A writer and filmmaker, he is best known as the author of Jurassic Park and the creator of ER. His most recent novel, Next, about genetics and law, was published in December 2006. His Website is www.michaelcrichton.net
Books and Movies by Michael Crichton:
- Great Train Robbery
- Jasper Johns
- Jurassic Park
- Looker
- Lost World
- Next—2006
- Prey
- Rising Sun
- Runaway
- Sphere
- State of Fear
- Terminal Man
- Thirteenth Warrior
- Timeline
- Travels
- Twister
- Westworld