Software Catalog:
A Generic Lookup Function


Here's a function that will do a lookup of the Manufacturer's Name for any report or form. To use it simply include a field with it's control source as MfgID from any table that includes it and edit box with it's control source set to =GetMfgName(MfgID) .

Or you could send a constant as a parameter instead of MfgID by enclosing it in quotes.

Of course you can use the code as a model for a lookup of any field in any table by changing table and field names.

Listing 7

Public Function GetMfgName(IDCode As String) As String
' This function uses the passed ID code to find the company name in the Manufacturers table.
Dim ThisDB As Database
Dim tblRead As Recordset
Dim TempCode As String
Dim TempNameStr As String
Dim SQLstr As String
`Database assumed open
`to hold recordset
`MfgID code from recordset
`MfgName from recordset
` holds SQL statement

` Protect against empty string parameter
If IDCode <> " " Then
SQLstr = " SELECT DISTINCTROW FROM Manufacturers WHERE " & _
" (((Manufacturers.MfgID) = `" & IDCode & " `));"
Set ThisDB = CurrentDb
` Create a recordset
Set tblRead = ThisDB.OpenRecordset(SQLstr)
`Protect against empty recordset e.g. the IDCode was not in the table
If tblRead <> Nil Then
` Read the field values of the recordset
TempCode = tblRead.Fields(" MfgID" )
TempNameStr = tblRead.Fields(" MfgName" )
GetMfgName = TempNameStr
GetMfgName = " Name not found!
End If

` release memory used by the recordset
GetMfgName = " ID code was missing"
End If
End Function

End of Listing 7

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This document authored by Pat Tyler
Copyright July 1997