About Shrimp
Relish Magazine

(shrimp )

About Shrimp
About Shrimp

Ask for Certified Wild American Shrimp or look for the Wild American Shrimp logo. More than 85% of shrimp bought in the United States is pond-raised and imported from China or Thailand. To ensure your shrimp are wild harvested from U.S. coastal waters, look for the term "wild caught" or the Wild American Shrimp logo.
     Wild-caught shrimp is seasonal and generally of the brown or white variety. Pink shrimp are considered a delicacy and are indigenous to the coast of Florida.
     Depending on the weather, shrimp season runs from May or June through October or November. The majority of U.S. shrimp is caught in fall and comes from Louisiana and Texas.
     Don't assume that because you live near the coast or in a shrimping state your shrimp is local. Chances are, it isn't.